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Irish District Energy Association

Supporting and Promoting District Heating and Cooling in Ireland

New CEO of District Heating Group, Pauline O'Reilly, says Ireland is ripe for revolution in heating

19 Mar 2025 16:16 | Anonymous

Former Senator and Chair of the Green Party, Pauline O'Reilly has been appointed as CEO of the Irish District Energy Association.

"A massive shift to district heating is on the cards for Ireland, and it is the most economically and environmentally important step that we can take as a country", said O'Reilly following her appointment today.

Pauline O'Reilly says she is honoured to take on the role at this important juncture. "It will come as no surprise to anyone that heat uses most of our energy in Ireland. In fact, 40% of all energy consumption in Ireland goes on heating, and so this is a key area that Ireland will need to decarbonise. District heating has been rolled out across Europe but is largely untapped here and this is why I want to throw myself into developing the industry. Two important pieces of work are underway by government this year and getting these right would pave the way for a revolution in heating in Ireland. Many projects are ready to go, but a grant scheme and finalising the regulations are the building blocks for the industry" she said. 

Dr. David Connolly, Chairperson of IrDEA, welcomed the appointment on behalf of all the members: “We are delighted to have a leader of Pauline’s credentials as the new CEO of the Irish District Energy Association. Her vast experience in policymaking and deep understanding of the energy sector will be vital to the sector at this time, especially as new funding schemes and proposed legislation look set to finally position district heating as a critical pillar of Ireland’s energy transition.”

Pauline concluded her comments by adding that "For too long in Ireland we have ignored the important opportunity to decarbonise heat. However the SEAI recently found that while only 1% of our heat comes from district heating, over 54% of buildings are suitable to use it. A centralised system is more environmentally sustainable and provides security of supply.

"The first significant project which has been rolled out is the district heating system in Tallaght, which will also support local home heating. Let's ramp this up and invest in heat systems right across the country".



Most recently Pauline has served as a Senator, and member of the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Environment and Climate Action, and as Chairperson of the Green Party. She has worked collaboratively as Leader of the Greens in the Seanad with former government colleagues and advisors to pass legislation and effect policy change. She has also been Chair and Vice Chair of other Oireachtas Committees over the last five years. Since taking up this role as CEO of IrDEA Pauline has stepped away from leadership within a political party. Prior to her time in the Oireachtas she was a City Councillor on Galway City Council and a solicitor, as well as a board member and Chair of numerous, diverse boards.

Irish District Energy Association

151 The Island, Chapelizod, Dublin 20, D20 CX27

Company Registration: 619382

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