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Irish District Energy Association

Supporting and Promoting District Heating and Cooling in Ireland

About us

IrDEA was established in 2017 as a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee (CLG), and has members from across the public, private and academic sectors. We are the only trade organisation representing the district heating and cooling (DHC) sector in Ireland.

What We Do

Acting on behalf of our members, we support and promote the growth of the DHC industry, creating a new heating market for Ireland, which offers greater opportunities to use indigenous low-carbon and renewable sources of heat.

IrDEA is the go-to place to find expertise and information on DHC in Ireland. Our members include leading actors in the district heating sector in Ireland, whose background ranges from practical experience of DHC design and operation, to international research and in-depth knowledge of policy and the barriers affecting district heating implementation in Ireland.

Core Activities

  • Influencing government policy on district heating & cooling (DHC)
  • Supporting the growth of the DHC industry in Ireland
  • Organising conferences and events to promote DHC
  • Making submissions to policy consultations which concern DHC
  • Commissioning and supporting research on DHC in Ireland
  • Cooperation with other relevant organisations in Ireland and Internationally

IrDEA Members


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IrDEA Board & Management

Dr David Connolly, Chairperson of IrDEA

Dr David Connolly led the Heat Roadmap Europe project, one of the most influential EU projects in the district heating sector ( He is currently Chief Technology Officer of Astatine Ltd, and is a founder and Chairperson of the Board of IrDEA.

Donna Gartland, Director of IrDEA

Donna Gartland is Chief Executive Officer at Dublin’s energy agency Codema, and has recently helped to secure almost €25 million in total for the Dublin District Heating System and the Tallaght District Heating Scheme through the Climate Action Fund. Donna is a founder and Director of the Board of IrDEA.

Yvonne Murphy, Chief Executive Officer of IrDEA

Yvonne Murphy joined IrDEA as its first Chief Executive Officer in January 2023 having previously held several roles in policy and advocacy across the NGO, political, academic, and private sectors.

Governance & Decision-making

IrDEA has established a simple governance and decision-making structure to ensure the organisation can operate effectively. This will be reviewed when the number of members in IrDEA exceeds 25.

Current Board of Directors

IrDEA has a Board of Directors, which currently contains two people: David Connolly (Independent Chairperson and elected until 2020) and Donna Gartland (Codema and elected until 2021).

AGM & New Board Members

IrDEA will hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) each year, at which the members can nominate and elect Directors to the Board. A single term for a Director is three years.

Considering the current size of IrDEA, the maximum number of Directors is set at three. To be elected, Directors must be supported by at least half of existing members.

Role of the Board & Decisions On Contentious Issues

IrDEA’s daily activities are coordinated by the Board, but where a contentious issue arises, it will be brought to the members for discussion.

Resolving Contentious Issues

For contentious issues, the aim will be to resolve by consensus. However, where no consensus can be found, then all members will be invited to vote on a decision.

Voting Rights

For final decision-making, each Member and Director will be entitled to one vote. If a decision will impact the legal or economic viability of IrDEA, a Director may VETO the decision.

Simple Majority & Tied Votes

The result of a decision-making vote will be based on a simple majority. In the case of a tie, the Chairperson will have the casting vote.

Remote & In-person Voting

Decisions can be made remotely (e.g. via email or online) or at a meeting.


The quorum for a decision is a response rate of at least 50% from members.

Role of the Chair

Meetings of the Board and Members will be chaired by the Chairperson, or someone nominated by the Chairperson of IrDEA.

Irish District Energy Association

151 The Island, Chapelizod, Dublin 20, D20 CX27

Company Registration: 619382

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